Edge Running
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"Run Free, Run Wild"


Edge Running combines trail running with navigation and acrobatic-type moves. Each Edge Running course is divided into two types of sections:

1. Passages-(Halls) general trail running on every type of terrain from carriage trails to singletrack which emphasize speed and endurance.

2. Technical Sections- (Rooms) Areas with varied natural elements, on which movement is improvised.

The courses are set on standard Orienteering maps preferably with a scale of 1:10,000. to aid in map reading. These maps show trails, rock features, water features,contours and colors indicating vegitation thickness. Runners begin by following a passage section which leads to a technical section or room. This sequence is repeated throughout the course In the technical sections, the runner uses any of the marked features to improvise a series of stylistic moves.

Moves include:

1.Richochets-bounding off features such as rock faces, boulders et al..

2. Zans (Tarzan)- using vines or branches to swing from one location to another. Bracks-(as in monkey-like movement-brachiation) swinging from one vine or tree to another alternating arms.

3. Bucks- vaulting over various features. These can be 1 hand or 2 hand support and can be sideways, somersault ,etc.

4. Tri's- (Boulder fields are marked with triangles)- dancing across boulder fields. Emphasis on improvised movements, spins, leaps, et al.

5.Slides- Skidding down descents or across rock faces. Hands-on and hands-free slides are used.

6. Rolls- Judo-like breakfalls after jumps.

7. Air- Max air time or distance after launching from element. Movements in the air include flips, tweaked body moves with stylish landing or roll.

8. Suspensions- freezing momentarily during move (regular and inverted).

These moves can include picks- stopping momentarity during the move and subsequently changing direction or creating a new move from the pick.

9. Tightropes- any balancing maneuver. Logs are useful for this move as are rock edges. Emphasize variety of movement across the feature.

10. Mucking- moves across marshy terrain, sometimes jumping across hummocks and other firmer groung in the marsh.

11. Jungle Jamming- traversing at speed the thickets, especially Mountain Laurel.

Edge Running courses are designed to encourage creativity and stylistic expression in the technical sections, while maintaining constant speed over the terrain. New moves are given appropriate names as they are created and mastered.

Equipment- Edge Runners use orienteering suits for their breathability and resistance to tearing, as well as padded gaiters and sticky trail shoes. Fingerless gloves with rubber beads on the palms are used to assist in grip where needed- motocross gloves have padding on the back and can be used in cooler weather. We are developing plastic edges for shoes to assist in slides. As an insect repellent, we use almond oil with Tea Tree Oil added for a natural (non DEET) alternative.

Thumb compases made by Silva and Suunto are favored for navigation. Buf headgear is desirable for hot weather- used in varied adventure races.

Click on the link below for Orienteering supplies.

At this time we are developing a website and plan a demo video. All courses minimize enviromental impact by altering courses and avoiding overusage. I invite any comments and suggestions, which can be emailed to me at the link below. Include your name, city and the name of the move you created as well as the location of the shot.


Kaylen Propp

Puma leap
landing over
10' span


Some illustrated moves
from members of

Single invert


Suspension (here on wall)


Max hang-time air


Stylish buck vault


Click her to visit the urban-style.nl site


Email me at Kaylen@earthlink.net

Orienteering Supplies Link

Site updated-7/11